Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Monday!

Yesterday my ballet friend linda and i drove up to see the Bolshoi Ballet at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa was amazing and mezmorizing!!!...the artistic interpretaion was so innovative and exciting.....the coreography was superb and the dancers went above and beyond using ballet technique with a contempory twist..the things they got their bodies to do captured me.....i LOVED it!!!!...if you are at all interested in ballet..or dance....
It's called REFLECTIONS ...go see it!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Apricot Walnut Loaf

Happy Sunday!

hi everyone.....

i found the BEST recipe for an Apricot Walnut Loaf that is served in the TEA Room at the Clarence Hotel in Dublin, Ireland...Bono and U2 own the hotel and this is his favorite little niblet to have at is delish!... go to  for the are some pictures....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Frost Baby Shower


just me...getting ready to give a baby shower with my friend i am giving "blogging" a try!!!!...we are having a "Princess Shower" pink pink!!!!  lots of pink bubble gum and white striped straws,,pink crayons...and Sparkle-y Magic wands!.... let me know what you think:)